The Sean Michael Welch Archives

November 11, 2005

Just sayin'...

So, I started writing a new play. La la la, rejoice. But then I put it down, because it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Or rather, the reason I had for writing was, for me, not working within the context of the story I was concocting around it.

I may try turning JASON AND SCOTTY IN A WEIRD PARALLEL UNIVERSE SORT OF THING into a novel, like I did for THE MIGHTY BENJI (OLIVER). I know it's me rehashing material I've already done, but I really need something to do. And since nothing new is coming, and what is new isn't coming out like I want it to, I at least can keep my brain occupied.

I've also contimplated a return to THE SPIRIT BABES, simply because it's always been that story that I always wanted to tell, but couldn't find the right medium for it.

You know, I talk an awful lot about writing for someone who doesn't do near enough of it...


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