The Sean Michael Welch Archives

October 14, 2005

A thousand pardons

I apologize to those who have been trying to seek me out in order to do some of my work. I thought that my email was posted on the site, but apparently during one of my editing sessions, I must have deleted it. I am a very bad little playwright and should have my head squeezed very tightly.

This is my email:

And again:

One more time for the boys in the back:

Of course its not really on the site, is it? It's on this blog that Rob has created for me. So I suppose I will have to go back and put it on the homepage as well. Technology is hard.

There's nothing new from the Pear Danube front except that I managed to get the final draft done in two swoops and it is now in the hands of my director. I have no idea what the next step is. Perhaps a beer and a chat.


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