The Sean Michael Welch Archives

July 21, 2005

Sooooooooo... I think I just realized today that I have a play opening tomorrow. Not sure how I forgot that. I guess I won't turn on the nerves until I get there, as that is my way. Once there, I hope to be seized by fright and slip nonchalantly underneath my seat and plug my ears. Call it my pre-game ritual, everybody's got one. Or, if they have free beverages, which I highly doubt, I hope to be four or five glasses of wine in before any of this happens, so I be both nervous and drunk.

If this sounds like I have no faith in the Unartistically Frustrated crew, then let me assauge your fears. Assauge, assauge, how's that? I go through this all the time, trust me. Until I actually here people start laughing, I can't even begin to relax. Perhaps that's why, for the most part, I tend to stick with comedies. I'd be an absolute mess if I had one of my few dramas produced.

Me: "Oh, sweet Jesus, NO ONE'S LAUGHING!"

Concerned citizen: "Dude. It's a drama."

Me: "Ah, yes. Thank you, concerned citizen."

Concerned citizen: "Idiot."

Me: "What?"

And so on... thanks again to concerned citizen for his input.


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