The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 24, 2005

My counter is currently reading "000000." Not sure why. Is that an omen. DEAR LORD! I AM THE LAST MAN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! I HAVE TO GO TO THE SUPERMARKET RIGHT NOW!

I got halfway through ODYSSEUS RETURNS and then just stopped. I hate when that happens. It's funny, but I feel as if I need something else to write. Except I don't know what that is. Maybe I'm just burned out. I'm hoping that the future production of END CALIGULA will make me feel like a productive member of society again. At least for a week. Then I can crawl back in my little hole and wait for the film contract, wait for the next production, and wait to see if I can build up some gumption to try to get THE MIGHTY BENJI published.

The initital response to POMPEY has been very favorable. Did I already mention that? Oh, well. As I said, not too much going on right now.


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