The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 13, 2005

Once again foregoing the idea of taking a break, because frankly, I have nothing else to occupy my time with, I've decided to have another go at my screenplay for THE ODYSSEY! The first draft was taken from an audio play me and Rob designed, but unfortunately, upon re-reading it, it's clear that a lot of the audio gags just don't translate as well. The best parts of the screenplay seem to be the ones I came up with on the spot. I also stuck to the original framework in the audio play and it didn't play very well in my head. I think this was the second screenplay I wrote, right after WELL DONE, PEAR DANUBE! so obviously I was doing it for a laugh, because that's what I do. I am constantly trying to amuse myself. It's called sef-indulgance. And it works!

So, I'm restructring it. After doing the faux-Hollywood friendly DANGERBALL and the all over the place POMPEY, I'd like to just be goofy for awhile again.

I'm sweaty, and I don't like it.


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