The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 11, 2005

POMPEY is in its first draft. Ordinarily it would be the only draft, but since I'm working with such a tricky project, I feel the need to be scrutinizing. Rob also has a copy so I'm hoping he can help me out if I've o'erstepped my bounds. And this is no simple piece. Whatever you think you would need to pull off Shakespeare piece is exactly what you would need in this piece, ie., lots and lots of actors. The good thing is, is that it's not nearly as long as I thought it would be, reaching just under one hundred pages if I remember correctly. But then, I'm still in the editing process, so who knows what can come from that?

And then... I guess I have to ind something else to write. AAAAHHHH!What's so bloody wrong with wanting to be able to enjoy downtime? But I can't do it, man. There's only so many DVD's you can watch.

I just got off the phone with Jennifer Rudolph. Or Jennifer Caron. Someone. HI JEN! ARE YOU READING THIS!?! I'M STICKY!

Some of you might remember Jennifer Rudolph as the vampire la femme Shana in the orginal (only) production of EARL THE VAMPIRE. Some of you might not. But she is well and still thinks people are stupid. It's good to hear that nothing has truly changed.

Still waiting on that contract from Entitled to come to me. I was hoping to get this up and running a bit sooner, but oh well. I've waited this long haven't I? What's a few more weeks of complete and total nothingness?


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