The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 21, 2005

In an effort to keep myself from remaining active, I started writing a sorta, kinda, not really companion piece to THE TROJAN WHORE. Since I did THE ILLIAD, I figured I might as well do something similar to THE ODYSSEY, and not just a parody of it. Done that already. This one seems strictly for my own entertainment, just to keep my chops sharp. It's about Odysseus concerning himself with how to explain to his wife why exactly it took him ten years after the war was over to come home.

I am in talks with old navy buddy Kristina Leach concerning I AM A SONG ABOUT LOVE. Apparently she digs it, and would like to see it done, either acting as director or lead actress. As we speak, I am waiting for her to return home from buying milk and watching Six Feet Under so we can have a chat about it. This would be a California show, of course. God, I hope Joel Beers makes an appearence!


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