The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 28, 2005

Trying to write a new play entitled SOMETHING IN MY I, but I'm not getting a good enough flow, so I have to leave it for the moment, or just write it in bits and pieces, which I absolutely hate doing, as it makes me feel as if I'm not establishing a rhythm, and therefore there must be some problem inherent in the script itself. If I can't go in with both guns blazing, then there must be a problem. This would be a fourth version of the piece (one screenplay, one novel, two plays, none completed), so it's a little disheartening. I wish I knew how to take a break. I can't possibly watch the same DVD's over and over again.

Just a reminder: END CALIGULA. Yes, the same one that's on the homepage. A new email blast will be around shortly according to my sources (hi, Caroline! You're a "source" now!), so that will be my gift of spam to you in coming weeks. There's talk of group rates as well. So bring the fam!


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