The Sean Michael Welch Archives

July 12, 2004

The Caligula play is finished. It is now known as END CALIGULA, as I couldn't find a way to name it EYE, CALIGULA. I may change it later for insurance purposes, but for now, that's what it's known as. As soon as Rob is finished with it, I may throw it up for all yawl to read. Stay tuned.

So, I was thinking. Wouldn't it be great to snatch up a few of my talented friends and try to piece together a theatre group of my own? What could it hurt? Someone I know must have some sort of business sense, so... if you're out there, let me know. Or else... I'll just bug you on my own.

Much to my HORROR, I discovered that the version of CHARLESTON'S FINGER printed on this site is the original version, and not the version that appeared at ACTF. I am embarrassed, humiliated, defiled, morose, and eating far too much dairy because of it. The proper changes have been made, and all the right people have been killed.


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