The Sean Michael Welch Archives

July 20, 2004

I've decided to reconstruct the site a bit. I've placed all the work on one page, and that frees up two more pages. There is now a chatroom and another play posted. I'm all about immediate reactions here, so feel free to let me know how the new stuff is hittin' ya. There's also a guestbook, which apparently does not count as an eighth page, so have at it, free of charge.

SLOPPY KNOCKS AND DAGGERS is well under way. It will definitely be a full length. I'm just not sure how full.

As I thought might happen, a few of my Spanish speaking friends have noticed some rather blarring errors in EL VENGANZA, which is all right. That's why I have Spanish speaking friends, of course. So they can tell me these things. Corrections soon to come, no worries.


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