The Sean Michael Welch Archives

July 06, 2006

everybody propaganda!

Now just the girls!

Not really.

Started writing another play last night. I seem to be leaning towards a more disjointed theatrical experience. Perhaps I'm so disillusioned with everything that I'm purposely writing stuff that is on the other side of the spectrum than say... the musical version of Sex and the City (not making this up). Or maybe I've been trying to train myself into a more commercially-viable format for so long now, that my body is starting to reject it, and this is what's coming up.

But vomitous metaphors aside, I figure as long as I'm getting something out, then it can't be bad.

I may change the title of this new one, but for right now the working title is RISE UP YOU BLOODY ANIMALS. You see? Even the title is suspect.

I don't know if this is a new direction or an old direction I kind of pushed out long ago when I decided I just wanted to be funny, but it can't hurt. I have plenty of work to chose from, so no one says these last few works need ever get produced. But at least I have them now.

Thinking about KT. Peace and love.


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