The Sean Michael Welch Archives

February 20, 2007

The new home of Good Sir Pepin

Because the new webpage format has now allowed me to add more pages, I've decided to include a page devoted to The Very Short Adventures of Sir Pepin Heroick, which was an experiment of mine a few years back. It used to be known as The Very Short Adventures of Sir Percival Curtainrod, but then I wrote a screenplay based on these adventures and changed the name of the lead character. It's just a bit of silliness by yours truly in short increments.

The original stories are included (edited to fit the new character), and I may write whole new adventures as well. The links are up, and the stories should be up within a few days. If you're of a mind to, give them a look. Best part: you don't have to read them in any particular order. Plot was not the first order of business.


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