The Sean Michael Welch Archives

March 19, 2007

Forsooth! Mine bodkin!

Yes, I'm pretty sure that means nothing. And if it did, my bodkin is none of your business anyway.

In the midst of reading one of my new favorite authors, Italo Calvino, I became inspired and wrote a short story. And since the good people at freewebs have granted me additional pages, I see no reason to hoist it up and see who salutes, if that could at all be considered the proper metaphor.

I have created a new link entitled Storytime! which I hope to keep busy with new works here and there. For those who don't wish to wade through my ever-growing website, the link has been provided at the mere mention of a mouse. Or a click. Whatever works.

I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for the Good Sir Pepin stories to appear, but Shaolin Webmaster Rob has been a bit busy and hasn't had the proper time to put them all up.

In other news, good ol' U of M Flintown is experiencing what we in the business like to refer to as "tech week"for POMPEY. In but ten days I will be home and watching how this thing actually plays on stage. Ah, Flint, the only place where I am considered somewhat, in a superficial kind of way, a celebrity of sorts. I shall bask in the warm glow of a Torch Burger and see old friends to boot, and in some cases, the offspring they have wrought, who apparently are already looking at colleges.

No place like home.


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