The Sean Michael Welch Archives

January 31, 2005

That's better. New Tomes Roman. Nothing like it.

This just in...

Unartistically Frustrated who want to bring WHAT ABOUT BONES? to the Fringe Festival, are also preparing to submit END CALIGULA to the Midtown Festival, which I think I may have heard of, but never was involved in, so that's all good.

The first draft of THE MIGHTY BENJI is now complete, and I am very happy with the results. Looking forward to shopping this one around, after I decide what I should rename it. As Rob was quick to point out, there may be a conflict of interest regarding a certain little doggie of the same name. Thing is, I wanted to have a distinctly American name that also had a bit of otherworldly flavor to it, and Benji works for me because of the "ji" ending which gives it a kind of Eastern god feel. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to drop me a line. Note: I've already eliminated THE MIGHTY LARRY, THE MIGHTY STEWART, and THE MIGHTY QUINN.

January 29, 2005

Hello again to those who still manage to check this site with so little going on, however it appears that 2005 will be much busier for me in terms of shows starting in April with the premiere of THE TROJAN WHORE and a chance for WHAT ABOUT THE BONES? to make an appearence at this years Fringe Festival. Oh, and a possiblity of seeing SLAB go up for the second time here in NYC for the Summer Play Festival, which, I guess is a big deal. I'm also in the midst of completing the novel-version of THE MIGHTY BENJI which was a lot of fun to write and may be the "marketable" egde I've been looking for, while still maintaining all of my toomfoolery, which, as always, is most important to me. Tomfoolery and a warm cup of cocoa, that's all I need to be right with the world.

Here's preliminary details about THE TROJAN WHORE from the mouth of John O'Brien himself:

Just wanted to let you know how we stand with Trojan Whore. I can send you a more official "release" in a few weeks, but wanted to let you know the basic info so you could either put it on your webpage or let friends, family, enemies know. We are cast and have just found our tech staff. We will be performing April 1-16 (Thurs, Fri and Sat @ 8PM and Sunday April 10 @ 3PM). The theatre is located at 791 Tremont St Boston. (the entrance is at the rear of the building). If Rob or other friends of yours are still in the area you can let them know its right by the intersection of Mass Ave and Tremont (they should know where that is). Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased in advance at Of course we can have comps for you if you are able to make it up (which I hope can happen).

So, there you have it... there you... hello? Can you hear me in this font? I can't tell.