The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 11, 2008

Pear Danube?

As of three days ago, I have finished the initial saga of Pear Danube. Right now I am dusting it off.

I think I can say that... I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I feel I have told a story that will live on as possibly the silliest thing I have ever written. Now, what comes next? Fame, fortune?

Probably not. But it's enough for me to think that I have written something that if nothing else, gives me something to be proud of. And what can ever be better than that?

Pear Danube lives. And I am happy to just be able to supply the mode of adventure.

Pear is my hero. A man who trods on, nearly getting there. But he doesn't give up, even if he falls short.

Any of you still hanging on to this blog may volunteer to read. I won't post it on my website. I offer it to people who will give me an honest opinion. Drop me a line and I'll throw you a hard copy. It would be good for people to give me a fair judgment. Yea or nay, I'm asking for your thoughts. Should good Pear Danube live on? Let the masses decide.

As a bonus, I can actually gage from this how many people are still keeping up with me. Nothing wrong with that.

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June 01, 2008

The return of Pear Danube

Sort of.

This is not to say that anyone has optioned the screenplay known as "Well Done, Pear Danube!" This is me saying that I found a need to revisit my beloved (inclusive) character once more.

As of a few days ago, I have endeavored upon treating Pear Danube as not just a character whose infamy lives only within ninety minutes of celluloid. But rather a character that could live further in even more adventures.

Let's face facts. No one is doing period pieces right now. Much less period pieces that mercilessly poke fun at period pieces. Therefore, nothing stops me from introducing Pear Danube as a character that cannot only be ignored by film studios, but also one that can be ignored by publishing houses.

Seriously, that's my thinking on this.

I am currently forty-seven pages into "Good Show, Pear Danube!" in which I relate the early years of my beloved (inclusive) character, following his path from lowly tax attorney into the vigilante who steals the clothes of the rich and gives them to the poor, to wear or to sell food. From what I can tell, it is not only an exciting read, but a ridiculously stupid one as well.

If I feel as happy as I am beginning it as I am in finishing it (stay tuned), then I might consent to turn this into a whole series that no one will consent to publish.

I say, it's about time that I devoted myself to something that may never see the light of day beyond my computer screen. Just to write something that allows me to find enjoyment again. That's something right there. Can't put a price on that feeling.

GOOD SHOW, PEAR DANUBE! Hitting book stores... when there is some sort of follow-up.