The Sean Michael Welch Archives

June 12, 2007

my thing, man

I'm not sure what inspired me to do such a thing, but I have, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. After writing two screenplays and sending off a query letter to an agent concerning "The Mighty Oliver," I thought I could relax and take a break for awhile.

But noooooooooooo.

So, now I am embarking on a project called "Da Da Da" which is a series of short stories. And when I say short, I mean... like a page at most. Little snippets of ridiculousness I think best describes them. Akin to Sir Pepin in length, I suppose, except all the stories are separate entities. I'm always looking for new ways to approach fiction, because frankly I think it isn't done enough, and when it is done, it's done badly, exceptions made for David Foster Wallace, of course. And like anything experimental, I have no idea if it's good or not. So, what I'll go ahead and do is throw the story that started it all up on my homepage and let you judge for yourselves. Let's run this thing up the flagpole and see if anyone... realizes that it's not actually a flag.

June 02, 2007

What up?

I have completed another screenplay because someone asked me to write one last week. Wow. if I were actually a sought after writer, my prolificicism (not a real word) would be legendary. Like James Patterson's ghost writer's legendary prolificisimism (also not a real word). Right?

However, due to content, I cannot share this work with any of you.

But why? is it porn?

Heavens, no.

However, he has asked me to write a screenplay which at its core speaks frequently and liberally about a certain... oh, let's "company." Which, to me, smacks of commercialism. No, it's not a franchised burger joint, get your mind out of the gutter. And although this "company," still feels fringe, or rather, fringish (really? That's not a word?) I cannot say for certain whether or not it feels as if I am pleasuring the Devil as of yet. I mean, I wrote the thing and I included many, many references to this pop-culture phenomenon, but there is nothing in it to suggest that I wrote it solely in the vein of extreme marketability. But even so, the prickly little purity of mineself regards it as something I should be wary of, which is why it was written under a pseudonym. Which makes me a sell-out but with a different name. Oh, such a moral dilemma I find myself in!

But I wrote it and was happy with the story. And in the end, no matter the consequences, the writer has to at the very least like the story he or she has written. So, I fulfilled my end of the bargain, as far as I'm concerned. So all the nay-sayers can go to (omitted for copyright purposes).