The Sean Michael Welch Archives

July 18, 2006

puff n'stuff

Just wrote my first short story in a REAL long time and am quite happy with the results. It's told in somewhat dry journalism speak, and the subject matter deals with crime. The US government decides that the best way to deal with crime is to bomb areas of the United States, which is sparked by the kidnapping of a young girl. They start with Detroit and go from there garnering public support as they merrily roll along.

Let's just say that I was inspired.

I call this little diddy FUMIGATION.

July 14, 2006

Viva la KT!

When I don't consume my thoughts with what other plays to write, I think of KT, the one person in this crazy madcap world who is able to perform any character I throw at her with verve and gusto.

KT is going through an ordeal right now. But she is getting better. God bless her she's giving the ordeal a big ol' beatdown Flintstyle, yo. And I could not be happier. The world is a better place because this girl fights with more strength than any one of us possesses.

Get better and soon, hon. Be the ball. You have a world to enliven.

On the other side of this equation... in the way the mad world plays us ...

R.I.P. Elizabeth Joy Hassett Weitz. I never had the chance to meet you, but if you are anything like your sister Julie, then you are a loss that is incomprehensible. My thoughts are with Julie and her family through this difficult time.

"In her honor, the only thing left is to live and love as much as you possibly can. Really love. And give." - Julie Atkins

July 09, 2006


Five plays in three weeks. Hmmm. That's about as productive as I've been since my salad days back in Flintown. Ah, memories. Now if I could just keep going at this rate, I'll have possibly a hundred plays by the end of the year.

Too much?

I feel pretty good about RISE UP YOU BLOODY ANIMALS. I'm tempted to send it to a place that has shot me down twice before: Playwrights Horizons. They didn't like SLAB and they thought that THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF FURNITURE was too manly. I imagine they would just stare at this one as say, "It's too repetitive." But I can always try.

I've been meeting with a couple of guys who want to get in on a production of SAFETY for the Ignite Festival as of late. Ryan Blackwell, of the New Haven Blackwells, who played Sabinus in Unartistically Frustrated's production of END CALIGULA and Dan Zisson, who seems like a swell fellow to direct. We have submitted the materials and are now waiting for confirmation. Fingers crossed - holy crap - amen.

Soooo.... what to do, what to do? I obviously feel reenergized and have the need to bash away at my keyboard once again, but I'm a bit spent after RISE UP. I suppose I should take a rest, but I've learned to despise those. Oh, well. I still have Netflix.


So, I finished another one. And I managed to keep the working title. I can't tell if I'm reaching for new ground or exploring old territory.

Fancy that, I still feel like writing more. More and more, with or without an audience. I'm in the zone, falling away from old habits and trying to create new ones. But if it's still me, then how far am I really going?

I'll send these last four to anyone who wants to read. If you want to know what's up, then take a look. Criticism is always welcome. As long as I have an audience, then nothing else matters.

La la la.

July 06, 2006

everybody propaganda!

Now just the girls!

Not really.

Started writing another play last night. I seem to be leaning towards a more disjointed theatrical experience. Perhaps I'm so disillusioned with everything that I'm purposely writing stuff that is on the other side of the spectrum than say... the musical version of Sex and the City (not making this up). Or maybe I've been trying to train myself into a more commercially-viable format for so long now, that my body is starting to reject it, and this is what's coming up.

But vomitous metaphors aside, I figure as long as I'm getting something out, then it can't be bad.

I may change the title of this new one, but for right now the working title is RISE UP YOU BLOODY ANIMALS. You see? Even the title is suspect.

I don't know if this is a new direction or an old direction I kind of pushed out long ago when I decided I just wanted to be funny, but it can't hurt. I have plenty of work to chose from, so no one says these last few works need ever get produced. But at least I have them now.

Thinking about KT. Peace and love.

July 04, 2006

Two in one night? By Jonah!

Just wrote my first ten or less minute play in... years it seems. Haven't attempted something like this since school. I don't know if it makes sense, but at least I got one out. Coming soon... DIRECTIONS, by Sean Michael blahdy blah.


If you're wondering, that is the name of the play I just wrote. And yes, some would consider it... disturbing. Because it is. Not for children. Bad, bad, keep away. Just a glancing analogy I had floating around in me noggin'. I'm feeling very theatrical as of late, and wanted to see what I could come up with.

Right now, though, inspiration is hither and yon, so I suppose I have another one to write. It's good to get back into the game again.