The Sean Michael Welch Archives

May 15, 2008

The Actors Shakespeare Company

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the Actors Shakespeare Company for a fine reading of POMPEY. And to Mr. Esau Pritchett for coming to assist us. I only wish I could have spent a bit more time with you and the good thing you have going there. It was a pleasure to work with you, and I hope that I have other opportunities to conspire with you.

In other news, after this successful reading, I came home to find that Ohio University has turned me down. Couldn't just let me enjoy the night fully, could you, OU?

But then, life is like that.

May 11, 2008

I shall be briefeth

If you want to attend a staged reading of the the Play POMPEY by the me that is Sean Michael Welch, please visit this site:

Just remember, you can't spell Sean Michael Welch without "me," or else... it becomes... San ichal wlch. That is, if you are repeating letters. So you would be spelling, "Meee," if it came to that.

Esau Pritchett is involved, if I hadn't mentioned before. That's for the Michigan peeps.