yeah... life's like that...
To give you a helpful... summary of what life is like for me right now, I offer a real life account of what has occurred in the last few days.
1. In the midst of trying to decide what I should really be doing with my life, I come to the conclusion that being a struggling artist is just not the road I want to travel down anymore. Living as a 36 year old in the style of a 23 year old has lost some of the romanticism it once had, and has made me think that if it ain't happened yet, it ain't gonna. So, like always, I wait for a sign.
2. Out of the blue, Greg Nicolai, dear friend and possibly the best director you've never heard of calls me up and sees where I am coming from. He speaks highly of the theatrical movement in Flint and how it wouldn't be such a bad thing for me to give up on big city dreams and come back home. Let's call it artistic capability versus artistic ambition. Artistic ambition being the only thing that has kept me in New York.
3. That VERY SAME NIGHT, old cohort Ryan Blackwell and Director Dan call me up to join them at a bar. Ryan has been out of the country doing some road riles thing that ended up in Mongolia, and as consequence, I pretty much gave up on the idea of giving getting this theatre company off the ground. But he's back and once again trying to convince me that there is no reason to give up. I'm still talented enough to give it a go, and eventually it will pay off, so long as I get off my ass and put myself out there.
4. By the way, my girlfriend lives in Boston.
This is the problem with crossroads. From what I've understood of them, there is one of two choices, and both are pretty clear cut as to what needs happen. Thing is, whenever the slightest inkling of me sneaking back to Flint comes into play, in all it's bright, shiny openness to welcome me back, almost instantaneously, a counter-offer occurs. Frankly, it's starting to become bothersome. If you believe these two things happening on the same day are sheer coincidence, think again. Every single time I've thought that the best thing for me was to move back to Michigan, a single intrusive voice pops up and retards my judgment. What is this uberpresence that keeps me from returning home? Is it punishment for vanity?
I don't know. I would really like to have a normal life. I would like to settle down and be with a girl that lives in Boston. But there are too many directions, and no one is stepping forward with a definitive voice and saying outright what I should be doing. It's not unlike having someone tell you what college you should attend... which I already muffed on, so very long ago.
Feel free to take a poll on what Sean should do with his life. Or think of it as a Choose Your Own Adventure. Lord knows I have.
1. In the midst of trying to decide what I should really be doing with my life, I come to the conclusion that being a struggling artist is just not the road I want to travel down anymore. Living as a 36 year old in the style of a 23 year old has lost some of the romanticism it once had, and has made me think that if it ain't happened yet, it ain't gonna. So, like always, I wait for a sign.
2. Out of the blue, Greg Nicolai, dear friend and possibly the best director you've never heard of calls me up and sees where I am coming from. He speaks highly of the theatrical movement in Flint and how it wouldn't be such a bad thing for me to give up on big city dreams and come back home. Let's call it artistic capability versus artistic ambition. Artistic ambition being the only thing that has kept me in New York.
3. That VERY SAME NIGHT, old cohort Ryan Blackwell and Director Dan call me up to join them at a bar. Ryan has been out of the country doing some road riles thing that ended up in Mongolia, and as consequence, I pretty much gave up on the idea of giving getting this theatre company off the ground. But he's back and once again trying to convince me that there is no reason to give up. I'm still talented enough to give it a go, and eventually it will pay off, so long as I get off my ass and put myself out there.
4. By the way, my girlfriend lives in Boston.
This is the problem with crossroads. From what I've understood of them, there is one of two choices, and both are pretty clear cut as to what needs happen. Thing is, whenever the slightest inkling of me sneaking back to Flint comes into play, in all it's bright, shiny openness to welcome me back, almost instantaneously, a counter-offer occurs. Frankly, it's starting to become bothersome. If you believe these two things happening on the same day are sheer coincidence, think again. Every single time I've thought that the best thing for me was to move back to Michigan, a single intrusive voice pops up and retards my judgment. What is this uberpresence that keeps me from returning home? Is it punishment for vanity?
I don't know. I would really like to have a normal life. I would like to settle down and be with a girl that lives in Boston. But there are too many directions, and no one is stepping forward with a definitive voice and saying outright what I should be doing. It's not unlike having someone tell you what college you should attend... which I already muffed on, so very long ago.
Feel free to take a poll on what Sean should do with his life. Or think of it as a Choose Your Own Adventure. Lord knows I have.