Found spelling errors in the website. Am not happy about this.
Saw FAHRENHEIT 911 today. It's not often (in fact, I'd say this never happens) that I hear applause after a film. I'm urging people to see it. Even if you think Michael Moore is full of hot air or is just a master editor, it's impossible to ignore the images and hear the testimony and not rethink the romaniticized notion of war.
Oh, and on a sidenote, I also saw a brief preview of ALEXANDER as I made my way down the escalator from watching the movie. Guess what? Alexander's straight in this version! Apparently world conquerers are not supposed to be gay. Fancy that.
Am considering a new play, even as I continue to write THE RAGERS (up to chapter eleven!). I think it's time for a new play about Caligula. The tentative title is EYE, CALIGULA, but don't hold me to that.
The idea of making this site more professional has crossed my mind. Mainly because I can't download documents onto this side unless I upgrade, and barring that, I can only have seven pages to play with. And that seems a bit unfair. So, I suppose I'll have to buy a domain and then upgrade and all that. Seems worth it.
If I do make this move, I want everyone that I know to bombard me with links so I can do my part. If you have ever appeared in one of my plays, produced one of them, or just sent me pretty pictures, send your links to me. If I have to deal with the horror of shameless self-promotion, then, by gum, my good friends will have to suffer through it too.
Learned the negative effects of swallowing gum. Never going to try that again. Geez.
Hearts out to KT and Laura. My thoughts are with you.