The Sean Michael Welch Archives

October 17, 2005

Fud. And not in the good way.

I've obviously worn out my New York creativity phase. Where at first, there was none, there then came a ridiculous amount of production which lasted approxinately three and a half years. And now... eh, not so much. Perhaps my mind is asking me to stop being such an agoraphobe.

I'm sure that there's a source behind this latest block. Possibly the promise of my first movie. Perhaps things at work have made a turn for the better. Maybe some girl is driving me insane. Place your bets.

I'm not willing to say for certain if I'm done for good. I like to think that since writing has been such a part of me since I was very young, that it will always be there for me. The muse may ignore me, but she's moody, so you can't really count on her.

In the meantime, I'll scrawl some journal entries, and leave the rest to time.

October 16, 2005

Are you KIDDING ME!?!

I just looked back upon this here blog to discover... I haven't attempted to write anything since June 28th. Three months of nothing? What the hoary heck is wrong with me? Did I blow something having written so much for the last three and a half years? Is the well now dry?

I've come to the point where I'm now sitting in front of my computer and trying to force myself to do something. Apparently emails and blog entries are all I can muster. I don't know what's wrong, really. I've been in a better mood the last couple of days, at least.

"Ode to Some Dancing Birdman Drawn by Jean Cocteau" doesn't count.

October 14, 2005

A thousand pardons

I apologize to those who have been trying to seek me out in order to do some of my work. I thought that my email was posted on the site, but apparently during one of my editing sessions, I must have deleted it. I am a very bad little playwright and should have my head squeezed very tightly.

This is my email:

And again:

One more time for the boys in the back:

Of course its not really on the site, is it? It's on this blog that Rob has created for me. So I suppose I will have to go back and put it on the homepage as well. Technology is hard.

There's nothing new from the Pear Danube front except that I managed to get the final draft done in two swoops and it is now in the hands of my director. I have no idea what the next step is. Perhaps a beer and a chat.