The Sean Michael Welch Archives

January 31, 2006

Down at the old Shrug and Wrinkle

After trying my hand at the horror/mystery/thiller kind of sort of thing, I decided to see what would come from the action end of things, less in the playful, more in the dark. The tentative title for this screenplay is OLD BULLETS, but since I can't seem to find a way to bring it into the story, it may end up being something else.

I thought I was going to end up taking a break after I got QUIET out of my system, but that doesn't seem to be the case. For whatever reason, my nightmares are continuing (why is Peter O'Toole scary, by the way?) and so my mind was not ready for a rest. It's funny, I had gone so long without them, and now, all of a sudden, I dream of nothing else but scary stuff. And not just a big bag of "boo," I mean the stuff you end up shaking yourself awake because of. Frankly, it's getting a bit old. If anyone has any recommendations for me as to how to get back on track, feel free to send them my way.

And no "you should move away from New York" suggestions. I get the hint.

January 16, 2006

Trojan Whore rethought?

Don't know why I didn't see this before. It's a review of Trojan Whore. And it makes me look like a completely unfunny boob. Read at your own discretion.

The views of this reviewer are not necessarily those of Sean Michael Welch, his parents, Mill 6, or... people who actually liked it. La la la.


No, I mean it. Shut up.

A screenplay known as QUIET now exists and is waiting for Rob to tell me how I screwed up the second half of it. It's got some horribly creepy and twisted stuff in it, more than I'm used to making up, and it's decidedly not funny. As such, I'm not going to hoist it upon the site, due to language, sexual content, and... creepy and twisted stuff.

I figure you have to write at least one of those, right? Since my dreams have been more nightmarish as of late, I let that feeling be my guide.

So, now I begin yet another segment of "Sean's Big Bad Writer's Block" until something else comes along.

January 11, 2006

Smells like 2006.

Because of my heavy scope of dreaming as of late, I decided to give my active subconscious a rest and eek something out. Giving the mystery/thiller/horror film genre a shot, just to see what would happen. So far... pretty bleak. No sir, I didn't laugh. Might be some sort of paranoid fever dream I'm concocting here.