The Sean Michael Welch Archives

November 24, 2005


The results are in and... Rob says we're good to go. Apparently the time off did me some good, because I turned out not only a good title but a "stellar ending," which, when it comes right down to it, is something everyone wants, ain't it?

So, although I don't know if I have something else in me at this moment, it feels good to at least be able to produce something. And something that makes me feel as if I've taken another step. Ain't felt like that in awhile.

Stay tuned. I may have this one posted in a few days for yawl to take a look at. Opinions, as always, are welcome.

November 22, 2005


...the first play I've written in a long, long time. I've decided to stick with the name, BEFORE I HIT THE GROUND. It seemed appropriate. It's a three-acter, minimial set requirements, and four cast members, two male, two female. And I think it's pretty good, if I'm allowed to say. I will know more once Rob reads through it, but even if changes are to be made, I doubt if there will be many, at least as far as structure goes.

Word to the people stuck in the block. Find yerself a muse. She knows how to shake things up inside your brain, even if she never intended on doing so.

Now... what do I do now?

November 20, 2005


It appears as if I’m writing again. I seem to have found a muse. Don’t ask.

Since I am repeatedly fascinated by the concept of dreams, not only as they are, but what they are as still unconquerable territory by clever marketing schemes, I’ve started writing a kind of companion piece to I AM A SONG ABOUT LOVE. This one takes the original concept a bit further by selling dreams door-to-door. Call it a sequel if you must. Soon I will complete BEFORE I HIT THE GROUND, which is a working title, but I’m thinking it will probably stick.

After I complete this one, I plan on another writer’s block, one that could possibly compete with the last one. Stay tuned. Records may fall.

November 11, 2005

Just sayin'...

So, I started writing a new play. La la la, rejoice. But then I put it down, because it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Or rather, the reason I had for writing was, for me, not working within the context of the story I was concocting around it.

I may try turning JASON AND SCOTTY IN A WEIRD PARALLEL UNIVERSE SORT OF THING into a novel, like I did for THE MIGHTY BENJI (OLIVER). I know it's me rehashing material I've already done, but I really need something to do. And since nothing new is coming, and what is new isn't coming out like I want it to, I at least can keep my brain occupied.

I've also contimplated a return to THE SPIRIT BABES, simply because it's always been that story that I always wanted to tell, but couldn't find the right medium for it.

You know, I talk an awful lot about writing for someone who doesn't do near enough of it...

November 08, 2005

Idle hands... blah blah blah

In order to cope with the ominous amount of inactivity I'm experiencing, I'm currently in the midst of editing THE MIGHTY BENJI novel. In fact, the name has now officially changed to THE MIGHTY OLIVER. One of my co-workers has been making an awful lot of pencil marks on my work, and I have retyping from scratch. Makes me feel as if I'm keeping myself busy.

November 02, 2005

Not since June 28, huh?

Yup. Nothing new, nothing exciting, nothing but nothing going on month number five. Place your bets, how long will it last?